Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Lights are Beginning to Come On (and off)

People told us that we would be amazed at how quickly children would understand a new language. Of course he has been submersed in English but I would have to say that we are amazed at how much he understands. This morning, Caleb and Coy had gotten up early. Coy likes to try and use the restroom. He usually does something. He then likes to flush, wave goodbye, and then wash and dry his hands. Well, this morning, after about the third trip in 15 minutes, I left him after he got his pants pulled back up. I was about 15 feet away when I turned around and he was walking out. I said, "Coy, turn the lights off." He stopped. Walked back a few steps, and reached up and turned the lights off, just as I had instructed. That is amazing.

We had our first taste of public eating tonight. We all went to Ryan's for a meal. Coy was tired from getting up early with Caleb this morning and he fell asleep about 5 minutes before we got there. Fortunately, he usually wakes up in a good mood and he did this time as well. As we waited to pay, he did get a little upset but once we sat down, Stacey got him a plate of food really fast and we said our prayer and he was good to go. As always, he ate really well and we all generally enjoyed our time out. We did take him to the restroom a couple of times at his request but other than that, there he sat in all of his glory. The only time he got upset was when he realized that we were getting up to go home and not to go to the restroom. One thing he did like at the restroom was getting the papertowels out of the dispenser on the wall. Also, since he is smaller, he didn't see the hole for the trash can on the counter top so he went under the counter to throw away his towel.

Caleb likes to try and make us all laugh and he usually does a pretty good job of it. He tries to correct some of my poor grammer habits, like saying the word ain't. Well, sometimes, Coy gets real excited and he rattles off a lot of something that must be Russian because we have no idea what he is saying and Caleb will look at him and say, "Coy, please use proper English." Of course, he is just trying to be funny and it almost always gets a chuckle out of me. His other thing that he does is he will ask you what your name is and after you tell him he will say, spell it. Of course, everyone begins to spell their name and he says no, i-t. Get it?? If I did that, it would be annoying. Since a 6-year old does it, it is kind of cute the first few times.

Coy loves to swing on the swing set and slide on the sliding board but he can't keep up on the monkeybars with his big brother and sister. They worked up a "performance" for their friends and spent a lot of time one night writing out invitations to all of them. Unfortunately, they scheduled their performance for the next night so that we weren't able to deliver very many of the invitations and really didn't expect anyone to be able to make it on such short notice any way. But they did work really hard on them for several hours.

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