Friday, August 24, 2007

Birthdays, School, Out of Town Trips and an experiment

It has been really crazy the last couple of weeks. Last weekend was our anniversary and Caleb's birthday. The week before that was the first day of school for both Caleb and Katie. Last week, I was out of town for work all week. Some of the exciting things that have happened include Stacey and the kids being involved in a wreck. Luckily, everyone was OK. I feel like God was watching over them. Sunday night before I left, I prayed specifically for God to keep them safe while I was gone. It was a very specific prayer. Monday night, Stacey was leading soccer practice for the kids while I was gone and on the way home from Graceland, a bee got in the van and into Stacey's shirt and stung her on the arm. As she was flailing to get rid of the bee, the wheel of the van went off the road and a tree limb busted out the side window and bent the window frame. Luckily, Katie was siting on the driver's side and not the passenger's side. Also, a few feet earlier and it would have busted the window right beside Coy. Stacey kept her composure and avoided over correcting or running further off the road. Our van will be in the shop for a week or so but the main thing is no one got hurt.
I like the picture above that shows Stacey's dad underneath both Katie and Coy while Caleb explains a gift that he got for his birthday. They all like to pile on Grandpa.
This is a picture of the kids on the first day of school. They all seem to have a good time. Coy especially likes to watch for the school bus.
I have tried to add a video to the blog this time. It is from our trip to Marengo Cave. It is typical banter for our family. Coy gave something to Katie and we were trying to get Katie to say "Thank you Coy." Coy and Katie both were trying to say "Thank you Coy." At the end though, they finally get it right and Katie says "Thank you" and Coy says "You're welcome". I don't know what Caleb is doing in the background. Pretty good stuff if you ask me. Please let me know if you were able to download it and watch it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Too Busy to Write

After a weekend of going to the Creation Museum, Marengo Cave, the Hampton Inn, and Hoosier Forest swimming pool, we have been too busy to post. The kids have done well and are ready to start back to school this week.

The Creation Museum was very neat. I would like to go back one time without the kids to learn more and then tell them what I learned at their own level. It was very crowded and I feel like we just skimmed the surface. Stacey and I were both looking for the "deep" scientific stuff while the kids just wanted to look at stuff. I think it did make an impression on them though.

I wished we had payed more attention to how the caves were formed in the museum so that we could have explained that to the kids as well. Caleb and Katie both said on Saturday that "It is designed to do what it does do and what it does do, it does do well." I guess you would have to know a little something about the Creation Museum to really appreciate it. It was actually on a video that we watched on the way to the museum but it seemed to make an impression on them. Coy liked the bus ride. I think he would live on the bus if we would let him.
We also snuck in a game of putt-putt golf on Saturday night as well.

The kids (especially Caleb) couldn't get over the fact that we were staying in a hotel less than 20 minutes from our home. We went swimming in the hotel 3 times in one nights stay (2 at night and once in the morning) and we all had a big breakfast so it wasn't that bad of a deal. The kids slept pretty well so we didn't really miss out on too much.
Coy has his last 2 doctor's visits on Monday. We are expecting them to turn him loose. He has already started some of his physical therapy again.

Friday, August 3, 2007

On a Mission From God

I can't say that I am a big Blues Brothers fan but I couldn't help but think of that movie when I saw this picture. We have had a pretty busy week but nothing too exciting. The kids have had friends over to play just about everyday this week. Coy is doing really well with his speech and his play. He goes to see a couple of the surgeons on Wednesday of next week and we expect for him to be given a clean bill of health. He doesn't go to see the plastic surgeon until the following week but everything appears to be going well there too.
We did get Caleb and Katie registered for school. They are disappointed that they won't get to ride on the same bus this year as their friends Dave and Lindsay. It is hard to believe that school starts for them in just a week and a half. We got the news just a couple of weeks ago that Katie will be going to full time kindergarten. We were hoping for 1/2 days for her so that she could go to another year of CBS (Community Bible Study) but our school system has secured the funding that allows everyone to go to full day kindergarten. (Previously, 1/2 day was free and full time would cost an additional $1,700.) Katie will probably benefit from full time kindergarten a lot more than Caleb would but we still wished that she could have been in CBS another year.
Caleb helped me to work a Sudoku puzzle tonight before bed. It was just a 1 star but he did most of it himself. Coy can really pedal like a mad man now. He has gotten to where he will pedal the three-wheelers down the "hill" beside our driveway. He really enjoys that. Stacey wanted me to admit that he works on his "help me please" when it is time to pull it back up the hill. He is getting better about this though.