Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 4 and Counting

We had a good visit today. Coy is getting better at saying Caleb and Katie. I don't know if he will be able to say their names when we get to the airport, but he should recognize them at least. We work on it with him at every visit. He does a good job of trying to say more and please and also banana and piano. Another couple got fussed at by the care giver for letting their kids play (bang) on the piano so we did not get to play on it today. Hopefully, it will be warmer this afternoon so we can go outside.
All of the computers with CD drives were full today at the internet cafe. We will hope to make a new CD of the pictures we have taken the last several days so that the next time we come back, we will have some new pictures to share.
A special thanks to all of the messages from the young CBS class. Ms. Shawn and Ms. Jenny are very special to our children and they are very special to us as well. We are so fortunate to have people like them in our lives.
Stacey would like to send a good luck wish on your finals to any of her students that may be following along the blog.
We continue to be amazed at the way God provides for us. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," declares the Lord Almighty. Zec. 4:6 (This could be off a little because Stacey was working on her memory verse during the church services. I, on the other hand, was listening intently to the sermon that just happened to be in Russian.) We continue to be thankful that our prayers were answered and he appears to have been well taken care of as we waited to meet him.
Thanks again for the e-mails and the messages. They really mean a lot. Even if you are friends of our parents or have found out about our blog in some other way, please send us a message (or e-mail) to let us know that you are following along. I am sure that either one of our parents or other friends can provide you with our e-mail address if you need it. We really enjoy the messages from home in ENGLISH. Believe it or not, I am starting to run low on things to read. I read the DW book that mom and dad gave me in about a week and have just about read the Power of a Praying Parent book as well. I will read the Case for Christ after Stacey is done and after that, I am done. And since I can't recharge the Gameboy, I may have to resort to doing Hip Hop aerobics with Stacey if I can't come up with more reading material.
If you come across our children that are in the states, please give them an extra dose of mercy and love. Feel free to give them hugs and kisses from us too if you can. We would pay BIG BUCKS to be able to grab them up in to our arms right now.


Tami said...

Just wanted to say hello. I've been reading your blog for quite awhile now, although honestly I can't remember how I first came across it. I've been enjoying your story and find it helpful in preparing for our own Ukrainian adoption journey in the months to come. We're praying for smooth sailing for you and that you'll be able to bring your little guy home soon.

Mom and Dad said...

It was good to talk to you on the phone on Sunday. I didn't know if you wanted us to use up all your internet time or not. The DW book was actually from Mark and Michelle. I guess I thought that there had been some previous discussion about it and that you knew who it was from. I am glad that Stacey acknowledged the ones back home who have been so helpful. I have been very impressed and awed by the generous outpouring of love and support that you all and Katie and Caleb are receiving from your network of neighbors and friends. They are all just unbelievable. You all are so blessed to have them all in your lives. We are getting excited to meet Coy. It seems like we all ready know him.

Mark & Michelle said...

We sent the charger too. It's not that hard to use. Your Mom said you all were getting a conversion kit. Wake-up it's 5:35 a.m. in Kiev (Kyiv) and 10:35 p.m. in Springfield. Mail me the battery and I can charge it and send it back. ;-)

Take care,

Mark & Michelle

Shelley said...
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Shelley said...

Dr. Y, Still loving your posts and the picture of Coy is gorgeous! Everyone in M007 sends warm wishes. I'm keeping the non-readers informed and we're all so excited for you. The final is tomorrow night so a little whisper of a prayer in that direction would be GREATLY appreciated! :) Love and prayers, Shelley K.

KYcountrygirl said...

How precious it has been to read your journey. I, along with the rest of the Springfield Baptist gang will continue to pray for you and your family. God is Mighty!
Be Blessed,

The Aneszko Family said...

We are following your progress and praying for everything to go well for you. Our travel date is approaching and the information you are postings helps us prepare. We have created a blog for our travel. There is not much on it yet but you are welcome to check it out ( We can't wait to meet Coy and look forward to when both of us can bring our new family member to the prayer meetings. Stay strong God is walking with you.