Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bike Riding

I guess it is something about kids that attracts bikes to their butts. After starting out slow this summer, our kids have really taken to riding their bikes around the driveway, over to the neighbors driveway, around the house, back around the neighbors, over to the other neighbors, etc. etc. etc. You get the idea. Coy stays on our driveway but he is really improving on the pedaling. When we first got home, he rode everything and walked it with his legs. We assumed that he had never pedaled anything. But by watching the older kids and trying and trying on his own, he has really improved. Our friends gave us a $40 gift certificate to Wal-Mart so we used it to buy Coy a bike that was just his size. He really likes it.

We have had a few bike mishaps but nobody has gotten seriously hurt yet. Just a few scrapes and bruises, which is to be expected. We insist on their helmets but not elbow and knee pads. Caleb has started to ride a bigger bike that uses hand brakes and has gears. His legs are just a little too short to get off of it gracefully but he does a good job of it. Katie uses the basket on her bike to take things that she makes to the neighbors. She likes to give her cards and art works away.

Coy likes to eat. I think we have mentioned that here already. His pickiness is picking up some. I guess that trait is something that we unintentionally teach our children. Not that he is picky by any means, but he has stopped blindly eating everything in front of his face. He does do a good job of corn on the cob though. Stacey's mom gets THE BEST corn on the cob. All of our kids like it.

Coy's surgery is on Monday. We haven't tried to explain to him what is going to happen. I don't know if there is anyway to explain to a child his age (even without the language barrier) what is about to happen to him. At our pre-op visit on Thursday, the doctor informed us that the hole in the top of his mouth may be too wide to correct in a single surgery. We will be staying at the hospital on Monday night while Caleb and Katie stay with my parents. We have to be at the hospital very early on Monday morning so Caleb and Katie will be going down to Springfield late on Sunday night.

Please pray for Coy and the surgeons. If it is past the 23rd, please pray anyway. I am sure that even after the surgery, that we are going to need all the prayers that we can get.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Praying, praying, praying and knowing Jesus has Coy in his precious hands. Love and prayers, Shelley