Thursday, August 13, 2009

Its Over

I have finally scanned the picture of Stacey and Caleb from the newspaper the day after the triathalon. Caleb had wrecked his bike and didn't finish as well as he had hoped. The timing was all messed up anyway so even if he had not wrecked, we would not have known how he did compared to the others. It doesn't matter though, they finished and did their best. That is all that counts.

Summer break is over. The kids got on the school bus today. They were kind of excited but not excited enough that I have any hopes that it will last all year. They both have friends that are in their classes so that is good.

Soccer is getting ready to be in full swing. I'm looking forward to it but I know that it will be a lot of time too. Luckily, just two teams this year and not three like last year. Katie is "playing up" with the 8 and 9 year old league at Graceland. She actually only misses their cut-off date by a little more than a month so it is not like she is in way over her head.

1 comment:

Kara said...

The video is great!!! I love it when you all post updates. No news from this end but will keep you posted when things start moving in Kaz. --Kara