Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is too much for me

We celebrated Caleb's 9th birthday a couple of weekends ago. It just doesn't seem possible that he is that old already. But I guess he is. We had his birthday anyway.

Katie helped a friend of her's celebrate her birthday by riding in a limo to go and get ice cream. She then spent the night at the girl's house. Needless to say she was tired the next day.

The lizard is Mr. Snuffleupagus. I have seen bigger ones than this crawling on the side of our house but this is the first time I have troubled myself to go and get the camera to take the picture. He actually fell from the top of the basement door onto the concrete and I thought that the fall might have killed him but in a few minutes, he walked away.

Football and soccer are in full swing now. Between practices and games, we have something going on 6 nights of the week. Is that too much??? I'm not sure. Actually I am sure, I just don't want to admit it. If we are here, we end up watching TV so I am glad that we are out. We do spend a lot of time in the yard playing too but somehow we always end up migrating back to the idiot box. Me included.

Katie scored a goal this past weekend. She is still playing up (U-8 on a U-9) team but the girls are a lot more her skill level this year. I'm expecting great things from her and another girl that plays on her soccer club for the church team. Don't tell Caleb but both of those girls can play circles around him in soccer. Except for goalie. He is a pretty tough stop there.
Coy has spent some time with his grandmothers/grandfathers this past week and will again next week. His school doesn't start until after Labor Day so it makes for some tough times with Stacey's work. He has a blast though but he doesn't sleep well. I think he gets too excited to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had not checked this out earlier; been very busy here at church. I am so glad I am not in your shoes what with somewhere to be EVERY night, but it is so good for the children. I admire you for making the time and effort needed for them. Tell Caleb thanks for the "thank you". Know he would much rather have had a gift, but now he can select his own. Enjoyed getting to see Coy; he is precious. Also, tell Katie congratulations on being so great in soccer; don't think I would get very far in that game.
Aunt RA